Sunday, October 2, 2011

Kennedy's 1st Wedding and Lots of Random Photos

(8/6/2011) Matt's high school buddy's (Clinton) sister got married August 4th (Krissy Nichols).  This was Kennedy's first wedding, so we had to get her all dressed up for the special occasion.  
It was a beautiful outdoor wedding!

(8/8/2011)  This towel actually has bunny ears!  Fresh and clean from the tub!
I have a lot of random shots of BK, so I thought I would just pile them all in a post.  Most of them are off my cell phone ~and sad to say that my cell phone camera takes better pictures than our actual camera.  Hopefully one day we will get a descent camera (hint hint.... Uncle Benny's.. hint hint).
(7/22/11)  Having fun in the kitchen while mom tries to get things done.
(7/25/11)  Making cookies with mom.
(7/25/11)  This blanket is mine from when I was a baby.  My mom made it and I have a matching stocking!  We were playing peek-a-boo.

(7/7/11)  Matt was at work on this day and I took this picture and sent it to him with the caption, "Look what I found in the laundry basket!"  -and no it's not Easter, just a drool catcher!
(7/10/11)  Posing for the camera already!
(7/16/11)  Chilling in her crib.
(7/29/11)  Sitting and playing in the Bumbo.
(7/30/11)  This saucer is the greatest invention EVER!!
(7/31/11)  Playing dress up to send pictures to Daddy while he's at work!

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