Saturday, July 9, 2011


So a couple posts ago I posted about the neighbor giving the squirrels and birds peanuts and they bury them in our yard.... and then my dogs going on peanut hunts.  Well, now Matt and I can join the fun.  While working in the yard awhile back, Matt found a peanut between the down-spout and wall of the house.  Now I look almost everyday to see if a bird has 'hid' another one.  Sure enough, it does!!!  (Don't look at our ghetto A/C - thanks)

I checked the next day and it was gone!
Then I noticed a blue bird sitting on the edge of our hanging plant.  Later I went out to see if it 'hid' a peanut, and sure enough it did!!!
Sneaky little bugger!
And here is our Little Peanut!

1 comment:

Jody said...

That story is amazing! I like your peanut the best! hugs and kisses, grammy