Thursday, July 7, 2011

2 New Toys

Her face is priceless in the first picture.  She was in shock!  This 'Jumperoo' was a great purchase by Grammy for the grand kids!  We are so lucky that it's still in really good shape for Kennedy to play in.  She's not quite to the jumping stage, but she loves to play with the toys on it.  Thanks Grammy!
This toy just wears her out!  So stinkin' cute I must say.  Thanks to the Vroman's for letting us borrow this until Brendan is big enough for it.  We were going to purchase one, but they are $100.  Who knew??  Kennedy absolutely loves it though.  She turns herself around and plays with all the toys.  Before you know it, she's fast asleep!  These were two different occasions.  Sweet baby!


Jody said...

I love this sweet baby. Hugs and kisses from Grammy

sylvia said...

That is really the cutest, funniest thing. Love her!

Amber said...

Yay the collage works and looks great! Cutest pictures!